Grawrock - Parker Genealogy
Person Page 36

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Amanda Morgan

F, b. 1856

Pop-up Pedigree

James Griffin Morgan

M, b. 1858

Pop-up Pedigree

James Chitwood

M, b. July 1850

Pop-up Pedigree

D. L. Z. Chitwood

M, b. 1868, d. 1948

Pop-up Pedigree

Nina T. Chitwood

F, b. 1870

Pop-up Pedigree

Izora Chitwood

F, b. 1873

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Isaac Laster b. circa 1873

Benjamin Chitwood

M, b. 1875

Pop-up Pedigree

Isadora Chitwood

F, b. circa 1876

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Burl Bennett b. circa 1876

Esma Lavine Chitwood

F, b. circa 1877

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Ed Leister b. circa 1877

Isaac Laster

M, b. circa 1873

Family: Izora Chitwood b. 1873

Burl Bennett

M, b. circa 1876

Family: Isadora Chitwood b. circa 1876

Ed Leister

M, b. circa 1877

Family: Esma Lavine Chitwood b. circa 1877

Didiana Elliott


Family: Richard , Sr. Chitwood b. 1793, d. 8 January 1857

John Chetwode

M, b. circa 1577, d. 29 July 1615

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Bridget Birkenhead b. circa 1577

  1. John Chetwode b. c 1598
  2. Anne Chetwode b. c 1599
  3. Bridget Chetwode b. c 1600
  4. Elizabeth Chetwode b. c 1601
  5. Margaret Chetwode b. c 1602
  6. Henry Chetwode b. c 1603, d. c 2 Oct 1652
  7. Richard Chetwode b. c 25 Nov 1604
  8. Thomas Chetwode Sr b. 1605, d. 2 Oct 1652
  9. James Chetwode b. c 22 Mar 1605

Bridget Birkenhead

F, b. circa 1577

Family: John Chetwode b. circa 1577, d. 29 July 1615

  1. John Chetwode b. c 1598
  2. Anne Chetwode b. c 1599
  3. Bridget Chetwode b. c 1600
  4. Elizabeth Chetwode b. c 1601
  5. Margaret Chetwode b. c 1602
  6. Henry Chetwode b. c 1603, d. c 2 Oct 1652
  7. Richard Chetwode b. c 25 Nov 1604
  8. Thomas Chetwode Sr b. 1605, d. 2 Oct 1652
  9. James Chetwode b. c 22 Mar 1605

Thomas Chetwode Sr

M, b. 1550, d. 14 July 1604

Pop-up Pedigree

Family 1: Anne Leech b. circa 1550

  1. Anne Chetwode b. c 1576
  2. John Chetwode b. c 1577, d. 29 Jul 1615
  3. Thomas , Jr. Chetwode b. 1594
  4. Hugh Chetwode b. 1596

Family 2: Anne Buckley b. circa 1579, d. 4 September 1601

  1. Dorothy Chetwode b. c 1599
  2. Katharine Chetwode b. c 13 Jun 1600
  3. James Chetwode b. c 1601, d. c 3 Apr 1601

Family 3: Bridget Paget b. circa 1582

  1. Amy Chetwode b. c 1603

Anne Leech

F, b. circa 1550

Family: Thomas Chetwode Sr b. 1550, d. 14 July 1604

  1. Anne Chetwode b. c 1576
  2. John Chetwode b. c 1577, d. 29 Jul 1615
  3. Thomas , Jr. Chetwode b. 1594
  4. Hugh Chetwode b. 1596

James Chetwode

M, b. 1524, d. 1571

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Catherine Hulse b. circa 1524

  1. Thomas Chetwode Sr b. 1550, d. 14 Jul 1604

Catherine Hulse

F, b. circa 1524

Family: James Chetwode b. 1524, d. 1571

  1. Thomas Chetwode Sr b. 1550, d. 14 Jul 1604

Roger Chetwode Sr

M, b. 1500, d. 1536

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Ellen Maisterson b. circa 1504

  1. James Chetwode b. 1524, d. 1571
  2. John Chetwode b. 1526, d. 1586
  3. Richard Chetwood b. 1528, d. 1561
  4. Roger , Jr. Chetwode b. c 1530
  5. Ellen Chetwode b. 1532
  6. Margery Chetwode b. 1535

Ellen Maisterson

F, b. circa 1504

Family: Roger Chetwode Sr b. 1500, d. 1536

  1. James Chetwode b. 1524, d. 1571
  2. John Chetwode b. 1526, d. 1586
  3. Richard Chetwood b. 1528, d. 1561
  4. Roger , Jr. Chetwode b. c 1530
  5. Ellen Chetwode b. 1532
  6. Margery Chetwode b. 1535

Thomas Chetwode

M, b. 1473

Pop-up Pedigree

Family 1: Ellen Beresford b. circa 1461

  1. Roger Chetwode Sr b. 1500, d. 1536

Family 2: (?) Wilbraham b. circa 1473

Family 3: Eleanor Spurstow b. circa 1473

Ellen Beresford

F, b. circa 1461

Family: Thomas Chetwode b. 1473

  1. Roger Chetwode Sr b. 1500, d. 1536

Roger Chetwode

M, b. 1440

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Ellen Ree b. circa 1444

  1. Thomas Chetwode b. 1473

Ellen Ree

F, b. circa 1444

Family: Roger Chetwode b. 1440

  1. Thomas Chetwode b. 1473

Thomas Chetwode

M, b. circa 1415, d. circa 1485

Pop-up Pedigree

Family 1: Isabel Noel b. circa 1419

  1. Roger Chetwode b. 1440

Family 2: Margaret Sounde b. circa 1415

Isabel Noel

F, b. circa 1419

Family: Thomas Chetwode b. circa 1415, d. circa 1485

  1. Roger Chetwode b. 1440

Roger Chetwode

M, b. circa 1388

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Margarie Crew b. circa 1392

  1. Thomas Chetwode b. c 1415, d. c 1485

Margarie Crew

F, b. circa 1392

Family: Roger Chetwode b. circa 1388

  1. Thomas Chetwode b. c 1415, d. c 1485

John , Jr. Chetwode

M, b. circa 1361, d. circa 1398

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Margerie Dayvell b. circa 1365

  1. Roger Chetwode b. c 1388

Margerie Dayvell

F, b. circa 1365

Family: John , Jr. Chetwode b. circa 1361, d. circa 1398

  1. Roger Chetwode b. c 1388

John , Sr. Chetwode

M, b. circa 1341

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Elizabeth Deokeley b. circa 1341

  1. John , Jr. Chetwode b. c 1361, d. c 1398

Elizabeth Deokeley

F, b. circa 1341

Family: John , Sr. Chetwode b. circa 1341

  1. John , Jr. Chetwode b. c 1361, d. c 1398

Roberte Chetwode

M, b. circa 1329

Pop-up Pedigree


  1. John , Sr. Chetwode b. c 1341

John III Chetwode

M, b. circa 1309

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Johane (?) b. circa 1308

  1. Roberte Chetwode b. c 1329


  1. [S195] "Assumptions", 1 year before the birth of the first child.

Johane (?)

F, b. circa 1308

Family: John III Chetwode b. circa 1309

  1. Roberte Chetwode b. c 1329


  1. [S195] "Assumptions", 20 years before marriage date.
  2. [S195] "Assumptions", 1 year before the birth of the first child.

John , Jr. Chetwode

M, b. circa 1282

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Lucy (?) b. circa 1285

  1. John III Chetwode b. c 1309
  2. Nicholas Chetwode b. c 1310, d. 1410

Lucy (?)

F, b. circa 1285

Family: John , Jr. Chetwode b. circa 1282

  1. John III Chetwode b. c 1309
  2. Nicholas Chetwode b. c 1310, d. 1410

John , Sr. Chetwode

M, b. circa 1256

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Johanne (?) b. circa 1259

  1. John , Jr. Chetwode b. c 1282


  1. [S195] "Assumptions", 1 year before the birth of the first child.

Johanne (?)

F, b. circa 1259

Family: John , Sr. Chetwode b. circa 1256

  1. John , Jr. Chetwode b. c 1282


  1. [S195] "Assumptions", 1 year before the birth of the first child.

Robert Dechetwode

M, b. circa 1236

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Lucie (?) b. circa 1236

  1. John , Sr. Chetwode b. c 1256


  1. [S195] "Assumptions", 1 year before the birth of the first child.

Lucie (?)

F, b. circa 1236

Family: Robert Dechetwode b. circa 1236

  1. John , Sr. Chetwode b. c 1256


  1. [S195] "Assumptions", 1 year before the birth of the first child.

John Dechetwode

M, b. circa 1203

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Olive (?) b. circa 1203

  1. Robert Dechetwode b. c 1236

Olive (?)

F, b. circa 1203

Family: John Dechetwode b. circa 1203

  1. Robert Dechetwode b. c 1236

Robert Chetwode

M, b. circa 1171

Pop-up Pedigree

Family: Sibell S. Freville b. circa 1174

  1. Ralph Chetwood b. c 1198
  2. William Chetwode b. c 1200
  3. John Dechetwode b. c 1203

Sibell S. Freville

F, b. circa 1174

Family: Robert Chetwode b. circa 1171

  1. Ralph Chetwood b. c 1198
  2. William Chetwode b. c 1200
  3. John Dechetwode b. c 1203

Raufe Dechetwode

M, b. circa 1145

Pop-up Pedigree


  1. Robert Chetwode b. c 1171

Robert Chetwode

M, b. circa 1125

Pop-up Pedigree


  1. Raufe Dechetwode b. c 1145

John Dechetwode

M, b. circa 1100


  1. Robert Chetwode b. c 1125

Anne Buckley

F, b. circa 1579, d. 4 September 1601

Family: Thomas Chetwode Sr b. 1550, d. 14 July 1604

  1. Dorothy Chetwode b. c 1599
  2. Katharine Chetwode b. c 13 Jun 1600
  3. James Chetwode b. c 1601, d. c 3 Apr 1601

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David Grawrock
Aloha Oregon USA

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