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7 July 2001

Changed the theme to a more readable one
Fixed listings in the Parker section to remove all parents for John W

24 Feb 2000

Changed the theme to the one I've been working on
Added partial listing of Lewis Pioneer Cemetery
Moved Cemeteries to a separate section

6 Feb 2000

Changed Theme for entire site. Rewrote front page.
Fixed problem with Ringle and added the new Ringles in.

24 Jan 2000

Added keywords to main page to help robots

16 Jan 2000

Added Webtracker to get better count of who touches web
Removed manual guestbook and linked in GuestWorld

5 Jan 2000

Undid split of GEDCOM. Now all names in one file.

29 Dec 1999

Added the Cooper Mountain Cemetery page.
Redid the GEDCOM file and all ancestor pages to properly reflect those who are dead and alive.